Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How To Train A Dog Info

How To Train A Dog

 For a dog owner, knowing how to train a dog is among one of the most important responsibilities they can have. Pets that have had animal training will behave in more socially acceptable ways, are easier to love and care for as well as manage, will cause less damage to your home and to others, and generally live happier and more contented lives.

Not to mention that it it will be a lot less stressful for the dog owner! When it comes to animal training, it is better if you train your dog yourself, rather than handing him over to a professional trainer. You will get good results from a professional trainer, however the experience is more rewarding both for you and your dog if you do it yourself.

You can even use the time you spend to train your dog as a way of bonding between you and your canine companion.

As you are training a dog yourself, you and your dog will become much closer to each other.

My dog is trained and I trained him myself. It is really easy and you do not need any special training or knowledge to do it.

There are many ways of getting information on training a dog. You can get tips and techniques from users in forums, download ebook texts that cover ways to deal with some animal training problems , amongst other ways to learn how to train a dog.

Actually, I can think anybody can do it. You just need to have a lot of patience and be willing to invest a lot of time to successfully train your dog.

And it really was fun. The dog behavior training sessions made me and my dog closer to each other.

I'm really happy I decided to train my dog myself instead and did not rely on a professional to solve my dog behavior problems

You will need patience though as you train a dog – lots of it.

I am naturally not a very patient person so it as a bit of a stretch for me to repeat the lessons over and over again. Yes, you need repetition because dogs learn that way.

You also need to reinforce their progress by giving them treats and by saying nice words to them. My dog loved the treats and I think it has motivated him to learn fast. I'm pretty sure he enjoyed the praises and the pats in the back as well.

I had fun training my dog as well. I learned a lot about dog behavior and I think the sessions have made me understand him better. I never thought learning how to train a dog would be such a wonderful experience.

So if you have a dog, or are thinking of getting one, I highly encourage you to train it yourself. It will be a very rewarding experience both for you and your trusted companion. If I ever I will have a new dog I will train him again myself.

Want to know more about how to train a dog yourself? Click here:

Dog training starts from the moment you decide you want to get your own dog as a pet. Getting a puppy and training it is a lot easier than getting a full grown dog because the puppy has not developed any "bad habits" yet.

Although puppy training can be very frustrating, the rewards are greater because the training is more effective, and a puppy learns a lot quicker than a grown dog.

Choosing the breed of dog is just as important, because the relationship you have with your dog could last up to 15 years.

So take some time to research a breed of dog that will suit your own lifestyle. You want to make sure that the temperament of your dog matches your way of life. There is no point getting a dog that needs a lot of activity if the only reason you are doing it is to use it as an excuse to take a walk and lose weight.

Take some time to do some research and don't make the purchase of your dog something that you do on a whim.

Dogs that have spent a lot of time in a pound or kennel may take a lot longer to bond with people, if at all, and some never become part of the "pack." As well, some kennel dogs may have experienced abuse or neglect and may show undesirable behaviours that are harder to re-train.

If you are inexperienced or do not have a lot of time to dedicate to training, getting a puppy may be a better option for you.

Easy Techniques to Use To Train a Dog:
Plan to dedicate 10 -15 minutes per day to training. If you do any longer than this your dog will become tired and resentful. When training puppies they have a very short attention span, and as such the training needs to be short and fun.

You don't want your dog to lose interest in training.

Decide in the family who is going to be the trainer and make sure that it is the same person everytime. Dogs are "pack animals" and a pack always has one leader.

Also make sure that everyone in the family knows what the training rules are. If you are training your dog not to jump on people, but the dog jumps all over the kids, then this undermines and even destroys all the good work that you have done in the training previously.

None but the "pack leader" should ever train the dog, but the training rules should be consistently reinforced by everyone in the household.

Choose a name that starts with a vowel because it is easier for them to recognize, and understand. Don't make it too fancy or long or your dog may not know that you are talking to it.

When you train a dog use the dog's name often in positive reinforcement situations such as when it has done something that you are teaching it well.

Don't use it when teaching them something new, like a command as the dog may associate the name with the command instead. Use the name when you want the dogs attention.

Also use the name when you are feeding or petting it.

Train a dog to look at your face by saying their name and gently turning their face towards yours. When training it is important to have all their attention on you.

You want your dog to associate calling their name with "look at the pack leader."

Well, now you can EASILY learn how to easily train a dog.

Want to know more about how to train a dog? Go here:

How To Train Your Dog The Right Way Starts With Three Important Steps:

1. Train your dog to sleep in the crate. It may seem cruel but in fact dogs are den animals and will enjoy sleeping in a crate. As a puppy the crate should be very small so that that they cannot "go toilet" in it (animals generally will not relieve themselves where they sleep or eat).

As the dog becomes more housebroken, get them a crate that is more comfortable and make sure that you place it near where the family is.

A good idea is to keep the crate near where the "designated pack leader" sleeps.

Forcing a dog to sleep away from his "pack" causes confusion and makes him think he has done something wrong.

Sleeping on the bed should not occur until you ave fully trained the dog to sleep in a crate.

Breaking a dog of sleeping on the bed, once they are in that habit is almost impossible.

2. Teach you dog to walk on a leash/lead. This is important so that everytime the dog goes outside, they will know to expect the leash.

Do not forget to do this!

3. Use a command (always the same one) to get your dog to stop moving. This is a VERY important command to train a dog as it could save your dog's life.

Don't rely on calling the dog's name as a command to stop.

Some sort of stopping command should be taught even before you start using the "come" command.

If you call their name, the dog may think you want them to come.

This can be very confusing for the dog.

Clicker Training:

This is a technique that you can use to train your dog which relies on marking desirable behavior and rewarding it based on behavioral psychology.

Good and desirable behavior is recognised by using a "clicker" which is a device that makes a short, distinct "click" sound which the dog recognises when they have done the right thing.

It is a clear form of communication which is easy to use and enforce in a humane way, which when combined with positive reinforcement, is an effective way to teach positive animal behavior.

Remember that dogs are like people in that they have different temperaments and the training needs to have this taken into consideration.

Some dogs are stubborn while some are naughty.

Others will just about bend over backwards to please you.

This is another good reason why you should research a breed before you purchase or adopt a dog to be sure you can handle them.

Make sure that the training sessions always end on a positive note. If you are teaching something new that the dog is not getting, then go back to something they have done well and review that and then praise then at the end of the session for the thing that they did right.

Your dog will look forward to the training sessions if you keep things short, and end the training on a positive note, regardless of how you see the success of the technique you are trying to teach it.

I have spent a lot of time examining various dog training techniques that showed me how to train a dog before I found one that suitable for me and my dog.

There are suggestions and tactics that are available at no charge in many Internet discussion rooms and blogs. However, once I actually tried some of these suggestions, I discovered that most of them are not worthwhile, or they did not cover everything I needed.

There wasn't any that were an easy to follow system for learning how to train a dog and change its behavior for the better.

It took me a few months, but I discovered a handbook that helped me to resolve all of my dog's behavior problems quickly and was one good simple, and easy to follow guide called "Secrets To Dog Training."

My decision to finally purchase "Secrets To Dog Training" came after a lot of research and advice from my friends and family who have successfully used this guide themselves and had found it be very effective.

A few examples of the effective ways to train a dog that are included in the guide:

- All the secrets of professional dog trainers are revealed and the simple and effective ways they can train a dog. They are easy to do and now you can do what they do too!

- Learn fast and effective house training techniques that get results.

- Is your dog dominant in your house? Learn how to establish yourself as the "pack leader" - that they your dog lives in your house and on your terms.

- Find out how to deal with separation anxiety with the separation anxiety case study.

- Stop dog fights from happening and how to make sure they never happen again!

- Is your dog jumping on you all the time? Learn six simple techniques to stop this annoying behavior from happening ever again.

Also learn:

How to train a dog with dog whispering techniques that are effective and humane. Find out how it can work for you and your dog!

The "Secret to Dog Training" guide is an essential tool for the Dog Owner who is sick and tired their dogs behavior, have just bought a dog, or is considering getting one as a family pet.

Put this guide to use and you will learn how to train a dog the right way, and to manage your dog effectively.

You’ll see real-life examples of top tips on screen as you are shown exactly what to do to make it happen with your dog.

In addition, with the "Secrets to Dog Training" guide, you will also receive a Free Bonus "Secrets to Dog Training Audio Book" and Five Free "Dog Training Bonus Books."

It's time for you to make a decision. I learned how to train a dog the right way and so can you.

Visit the official site now and learn how to learn how to train a dog:

--> www.


To Get The Secrets To Dog Training Click Here: 

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